867 Product Transfer & Resale Report
The Kroger/Peyton Product Transfer and Resale Report program refers to the exchange of data between the Peyton, Shelbyville or Fry’s Distribution Centers and the Kroger stores. Your contact for startup is Michelle Lackey 513- 387-1172. This report will extract data from Kroger’s product movement history file and add to it the vendor name, ship-from facility, ship-to facility, GTIN or UPC Case code and quantity shipped.
In order to complete the exchange of data with ease and accuracy, Kroger has adopted the EDI 867 transaction set in the UCS & X 12 standard in version 005010. This will provide the control and uniformity that Kroger/Peyton requires for this important exchange with our suppliers. Details and requirements associated with the 867 transaction set are listed on the table of contents.
Before start-up of the Kroger/Peyton Product Transfer & Resale program, there are various operational issues that Kroger/Peyton will need to discuss with the supplier. Final decisions concerning this program will be determined by the Peyton Grocery Division, at Kroger, General Office.
Header Information
One Record per Vendor/Peyton Warehouse/Division
ST - Transaction Set Header
BPT - Beg Seg for Prod Trans & Resale
N1 - VN = Vendor Info
N1 - SF = Distributor's Info (Peyton, Shelbyville or Fry Warehouse)
PTD - Product Trans Type Code
DTM - Delivery Start Date
DTM - Delivery Stop Date
N1 - Ship to Division (011 - Atlanta)
(one record for each case upc)
QTY - Quantity shipped to Division
LIN – GTIN (1-2-5-5-1) or Case upc (2-5-5)
PID - Case Description
(One Record - per Vendor/Peyton Warhouse/Division)
CTT - Total quantity shipped to a division per vendor/warehouse/division
SE - Transaction Set Trailer