EDI Programs And Requirements

824 Application Advice Error Codes

Two levels of errors are detected:

WARNINGS Minor errors or inconsistencies, from which Kroger can recover, usually by defaulting to the most probable alternative.
FATAL Significant violations of Kroger requirements, which prevents the EDI document from being processed.

The TED02 will contain a Free Form Message describing the error. Additional information may be sent in the TED07 and TED08 data elements, to help identify the error. The following series of numbers have been allotted to the various applications:

an Error Code this can be looked up in a list of error codes in this manual
a Brief Description this may be sufficient for describing most errors

An Acknowledgment Code will be sent, based on the levels of errors found:

Accepted No Warnings or Fatal Errors were found: document will be used
Accepted with Error Warnings were found but no Fatal Errors, document will be used
Rejected At least one Fatal Error was found; document will NOT be used

Each of these Acknowledgment Codes will be represented within the OTI01 field, as follows:

Accepted OTI01 = "TA" Transaction Set Accept
Accepted with Error OTI01 = "TE" Transaction Set Accept with Error
Rejected OTI01 = "TR" Transaction Set Reject
0000 - 0049 Envelope Errors
0050 - 0099 Generic Audit Errors
0100 - 0299 Multiple Document Common Errors
0300 - 0399 810 /880 Invoice Errors
0400 - 0499 856 Advanced Ship Manifest Errors
0500 - 0599 889 Promotional Announcement Errors
0600 - 0699 879 Price Change Errors
0700 - 0799 875 / 850 Purchase Order Errors
0800 - 0899 Undefined
0900 - 0999 DSD Nex Errors
1000 - 1099 855 PO Acknowledgment Errors
1100 - 1199 997 Functional Acknowledgment Errors
1200 - 1299 888 Item Maintenance Errors

For each error detected, a TED segment will be returned. The TED01 data element will contain a generic error condition, as defined in the EDI Standards:

006 Duplicate
007 Missing Data
010 Total Out of Balance
012 Invalid Combination
024 Other Unlisted Reason
824 Application Advice Errors - extended
Error Code Doc. Level Brief Description Detailed Description of Error TED01
0001F 856 Fatal Invalid Interchange ID Qualifier The ISA07 Receiver Qualifier Code you used was not '08'. See the section, EDI Communication Information. The proper Interchange ID Qualifier to use for any Kroger warehouse is'08'. TED07: will contain the invalid ISA07 value sent 012
0002W Warning ISA Control Segment Not Compatible with Version The Control Segment not compatible with Document Version. ISA header can be sent only on X12 documents and UCS document versions 004010. 012
0004F Fatal Invalid Application Receiver Code - GS03 The Application Receiver Code, GS03, is invalid. Refer to the Implementation Guide for valid values. 012
0005F Fatal ISA Version Not Supported by Kroger ISA Version Not Supported by Kroger must use 00 024
0050F Fatal Invalid Duns Suffix Invalid Duns Suffix. Refer to Implementation Guide for Valid Duns Suffix. 012
0052W **** Warning Invalid Division determined from DUNS + SUFFIX. Please refer to our duns + suffix tables
0053W **** Warning Invalid Transaction for Division. Division can not accept this transaction at this time
0054W Warning Maximum number error messages exceeded Too many errors to report
0100F 856 Fatal TS Purpose Code is invalid The TS Purpose Code in the BSN01 data element must be '00' (Original). This data element must be sent, per EDI Standards, and Kroger does not accept any other value. No capability exists to alter, replace or delete an ASN that has already been received. TED07: will contain the invalid BSN01 value sent 012
0101F 856 Fatal Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is Missing You have failed to specify a SCAC in the TD503 data element of a TD5 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a SCAC to identify the carrier. It is to be specified by sending a TD5 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with TD502 = '2', and TD503 = the SCAC. 007
0102F 856 Fatal Ship to DUNS + 4 is Missing You have failed to specify a Ship-To location as a DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element of an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Ship-To location sent as a DUNS + 4. See the sections, Kroger Ship-To Locations and Peyton Ship-To Locations, in this manual for the appropriate DUNS + 4 to use. It is to be specified by sending an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with N101 = 'ST', N103 = '9', and with the Ship-To DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element. 007
0103F 856 Fatal Ship to DUNS + 4 is Invalid You have specified a Ship-To location as a DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element of an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, but it is not a valid Kroger Ship-To DUNS + 4. Kroger requires a Ship-To location sent as a DUNS + 4. See the sections, Kroger / Peyton Ship-To Locations on our web site under the purchase order or invoice section for the appropriate DUNS + 4 to use. It is to be specified by sending an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with N101 = 'ST', N103 = '9', and with the Ship-To DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element. TED07: will contain the invalid N104 value sent 012
0104F 856 Fatal Purchase Order Number is Missing You have failed to specify a Kroger Purchase Order Number in the PRF01 data element of a PRF segment at the Order level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Kroger Purchase Order Number, specified as a 5-digit number, to be sent in the PRF01 data element, of the PRF segment, at the Order level of the ASN hierarchy. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the Order level without a Purchase Order Number 007
0105F 856 Fatal Purchase Order Number is in Invalid Format You have specified a Purchase Order Number in the PRF01 data element of a PRF segment at the Order level of the ASN, but it is in an invalid format. Kroger requires a Purchase Order Number, specified as a 5-digit number. TED07: will contain the PRF01 value sent 024
0105F 855 Fatal Purchase Order Number is in Invalid Format P.O. Number is in an Invalid Format should be 5 digits. 024
0106F 856 Fatal U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5) is Missing You have failed to specify a U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5) in the LIN03 data element of an LIN segment at the Pack level of the ASN. Kroger requires that every Pack level of the ASN include an LIN segment, with LIN02 = 'UA', and LIN03 containing the U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5). TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the Pack level without a U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5). 007
0107F 856 Fatal Missing or Incorrect Transaction Total

You have either failed to specify a Number of Line Items in the CTT01 data element of a CTT segment, or the number you have specified does not match the number of 'HL' segments present in the transaction set. Kroger requires this count as a

control upon the content of the ASN. If you have sent an incorrect value, then you should investigate the cause of the problem, and make necessary corrections. TED07: will contain the CTT01 value sent (or zero if none was sent) TED08: will contain the actual number of 'HL' segments found in the ASN

0300F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Invoice Date 012
0301W 810/880 Warning Invalid Purchase Order Date 012
0302W 810/880 Warning Additional Reference Segments Are Ignored 012
0303W 810/880 Warning Additional N1 Loops for Same Entity ID are Ignored 012
0304W 810/880 Warning Maximum Number Entity Id's Reached - Segment Ignored 012
0305W 810/880 Warning Additional N3 seg's for same N1 loop are ignored 012
0306F 810/880 Fatal Missing Ship - To N1 segment 007
0307F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Ship-To ID Code Qualifier ((N103) Must be 9 012
0307W 810/880 Warning Invalid Ship-To ID Code Qualifier (N103) - Must be 9 (0307 is FATAL unless the Code is '09' in which case only a WARNING and it is treated as '9' 012
0308F 810/880 Fatal Missing or Invalid Ship-To duns+suffix 012
0309F 810/880 Fatal Missing Purchase Order Number 007
0310F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Format Purchase Order Number Must send 5 digit P.O# 012
0311F 810/880 Fatal Purchase Order Group Conflict: Invoice Not Processed 012
0312F 810/880 Fatal Purchase Order Already Paid - Invoice Not Processed 012
0313W 810/880 Warning Duplicate Invoice - Will Replace Original 012
0314W 810/880 Warning Additional Carrier Segments Are Ignored 012
0315W 810/880 Warning Additional ITD Terms Segments Are Ignored 012
0316F 810/880 Fatal Missing Invoice Level Terms (ITD Segment) 007
0317F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Terms Start Date: Can't Calculate Due Date 012
0318F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Invoice Date: Can't Calculate Terms Due Date 012
0319F 810/880 Fatal Missing or Invalid Date or Days for Discount Offered 012
0320F 810/880 Fatal Missing Calculated Discount Amount Fields 012
0320W 810/880 Warning Missing Calculated Discount Amount Fields (0320 is FATAL in the Test EDI Environment, but only a WARNING in the Production EDI Environment 012
0321F 810/880 Fatal Missing or Invalid Net Date or Days ( No Discount) 012
0322W 810/880 Warning Invalid format Ship Date - Ignored 012
0323W 810/880 Warning Invalid format Delivery Date - Ignored 012
0324W 810/880 Warning Additional FOB Segments Are Ignored 012
0325W 810/880 Warning Missing FOB Information 007
0326W 810/880 Warning Additional G73 Segments are Ignored 012
0327W 810/880 Warning G73 Segment without Preceding G72 - Ignored 012
0328F 810/880 Fatal One of Percent, Dollars or Rate Needed in Header Allowance or Charge 007
0329F 810/880 Fatal Unit price Not Permitted in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0330F 810/880 Fatal Dollar Amount Not Permitted In Header Allowance or Charge 012
0331F 810/880 Fatal Percent Not Permitted in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0332W 810/880 Warning Dollar Amount Super cedes Rate in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0333W 810/880 Warning Dollar Amount Supercedes Percent in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0334F 810/880 Fatal Cannot Specify Both Percent and Rate in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0335F 810/880 Fatal Rate Requires Quantity Basis In Header Allowance or Charge 012
0336F 810/880 Fatal Percent Requires Dollar Basis in Header Allowance or Charge 012
0337W 810/880 Warning Invalid Sign for Allowance or Charge 012
0338F 810/880 Fatal Duplicate Item on Invoice Different Unit of Measure 012
0339W 810/880 Warning Duplicate Item on Invoice - Average Cost Used 012
0340W 810/880 Warning Duplicate Item on Invoice - Minimum Cost Used 012
0341W 810/880 Warning Item REF Segment without Preceding IT1 - Ignored 012
0342W 810/880 Warning Additional REF Segments for Same Item Are Ignored 012
0343W 810/880 Warning Item REF segment Is Ignored If Qualifier is not RN 012
0344W 810 Warning Item SAC Segment without Preceding IT1 Ignored 012
0345F 810/880 Fatal No Item Detail Appears on Invoice 007
0346F 810/880 Fatal Missing Product / Service ID 007
0347F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Product / Service Qualifier: Must be IN 012
0348F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Product / Service Qualifier: Must be UA/UK 012
0349F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Format Product / Service ID for Qualifier UA 012
0350F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Format Product / Service ID for Qualifier UK 012
0351W 810/880 Warning Blank Product / Service Qualifier is Assumed - UA 007
0352F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Product / Service Qualifier: Must be UK 012
0353W 810/880 Warning Invoice Items Without Positive Quantity Are Ignored 007
0354W 810/880 Warning Invoice Items Without Positive Cost Are Ignored 007
0355W 810/880 Warning Unit of Measure Code 'LB' treated as Cases 024
0356F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Unit of Measure Code 012
0357F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Basis of Unit Price Code 012
0358F 810/880 Fatal Incompatible UOM and Basis of Unit Price Codes 012
0359F 810/880 Fatal Cannot Convert UOM to Basis of Unit Price Code 012
0360W 810/880 Warning Item TXI Segment without Preceding IT1 - Ignored 012
0361W 810/880 Warning Item PID Segment without Preceding IT1 - Ignored 012
0362W 810/880 Warning Additional PID Segments for Same Item Are Ignored 012
0363W 810/880 Warning*** Missing Product Description - this applies ONLY to Mid-Atlantic for KMA warehouse product 007
0364W 810/880 Warning Item PO4 Segment without Preceding IT1 - Ignored 012
0365W 810/880 Warning Additional Pack/Size Data for Same Item is Ignored 012
0366F 810/880 Fatal One of Percent, Dollars or Rate Needed in Item Allowance or Charge 007
0367F 810/880 Fatal Unit Price Not Permitted in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0368F 810/880 Fatal Dollar Amount Not Permitted in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0369F 810/880 Fatal Percent Not Permitted in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0370F 810/880 Warning Dollar Amount Supercedes Rate in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0371W 810/880 Warning Dollar Amount Supercedes Percent in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0372F 810/880 Fatal Cannot Specify Both Percent and Rate in Item Allowance or Charge 012
0373W 810/880 Warning Invalid sign for Item Allowance / Charge - Corrected 012
0374F 810/880 Fatal Taxes Must Have Either Dollar Amount or Percent 007
0375W 810/880 Warning Dollar Amount Overrides Percent for Taxes 012
0376F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Tax Type Code 012
0377F 810/880 Fatal Dollar Amount Not Permitted in Item Tax 012
0378F 810/880 Fatal Percent Not Permitted in Item Tax 012
0379W 810/880 Warning Sign for Taxes Must be Positive - Corrected 012
0380F 810/880 Fatal Invoice Total Amount Must be Positive 012
0381F 810/880 Fatal Invoice Total Amount Does not Balance to Detail 012
0382F 810/880 Fatal Missing Invoice Total Amount 007
0383W 810/880 Warning Total Invoice Quantity Must be Positive 012
0384W 810/880 Warning Total Invoice Weight Must Be Positive 012
0385W 810/880 Warning Total Invoice Volume Must be Positive 012
0386W 810/880 Warning Total Invoice Quantity Must be Specified 007
0387F 810 Fatal Invoices Must be Sent via the X12 document, 810 012
0388F 810/880 Fatal Invalid Combination of Percents on Duplicate Items 012
0389F 810/880 Fatal Percent Requires Dollar Basis in Invoice Level Taxes 012
0390F 810/880 Fatal Dollar Amount Not Permitted in Invoice Level Taxes 012
0391F 810/880 Fatal Percent Not Permitted in Invoice Level Taxes 012
0392F 810/880 Fatal Discount percent greater than 10% 012
0393F 810/880 Fatal Total Item Net Dollars Is Negative 012
0394F 810/880 Fatal Total Item Net Dollars GE $10M(illion) or LE -$10M 012
0396F 810/880 Fatal Discount Amount Exceeds Invoice Cost 012
0398F 810/880 Fatal Missing Bill of Lading Number
0399F 810/880 Fatal Non-Numeric char in Product/Service ID for FMY 012
0400F 856 Fatal Invalid Interchange Receiver ID The ISA08 Interchange Receiver ID is not a valid Communications ID for sending ASN's to Kroger. See the section, EDI Communication Information, for the proper Communications ID to use for a particular Kroger division. Kroger requires the use of a Communications ID specific to a given division. The use of a corporate Kroger Communications ID is invalid. TED07: will contain the invalid ISA08 value sent 012
0401F 856 Fatal Hierarchical Structure Codes is not '0001' The Hierarchical Structure Code in the BSN05 data element must be '0001' (Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item). UCS Guidelines specify this value, and Kroger does not accept any other value. Kroger requires use of the Shipment, Order, Tare, and Pack levels, in that order, within the ASN. TED07: will contain the invalid BSN05 value sent 012
0402F 856 Fatal First Hierarchical Level is not "Shipment" The first HL segment encountered was not of Level Code 'S' (for Shipment). This is data element, HL03, and it must contain 'S' in the first occurrence of the HL segment. TED07: will contain the invalid HL03 value sent 012
0403F 856 Fatal Only One "Shipment" Level is Permitted The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'S' (for Shipment), but it was not the first HL segment specifying Shipment level in this ASN. Only one Shipment level is permitted within an ASN. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the invalid HL segment 012
0404F 856 Fatal Order Level's Parent is not Shipment Level The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'O' (for Order), but either: A) HL02 was not specified; B) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number not present in a previous HL segment; or C) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number in a previous HL segment whose HL03 was not 'S' (for Shipment). Kroger requires each Order level within the ASN hierarchy to be a child of the one and only Shipment level. This parent-child relationship is indicated through the HL02 data element of the Order level HL segment, which is to equal the HL01 data element of the Shipment level HL segment. TED07: will contain the HL02 value sent 012
0405F 856 Fatal Tare Level's Parent is not Order Level The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'T' (for Tare), but either: A) HL02 was not specified; B) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number not present in a previous HL segment; or C) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number in a previous HL segment whose HL03 was not 'O' (for Order). Kroger requires each Tare level within the ASN hierarchy to be a child of an Order level. This parent-child relationship is indicated through the HL02 data element of the Tare level HL segment, which is to equal the HL01 data element of the Order level HL segment. TED07: will contain the HL02 value sent 012
0406F 856 Fatal Pack Level's Parent is not Tare Level The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'P' (for Pack), but either: A) HL02 was not specified; B) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number not present in a previous HL segment; or C) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number in a previous HL segment whose HL03 was not 'T' (for Tare). Kroger requires each Pack level within the ASN hierarchy to be a child of a Tare level. This parent-child relationship is indicated through the HL02 data element of the Pack level HL segment, which is to equal the HL01 data element of the Tare level HL segment. TED07: will contain the HL02 value sent 012
0407F 856 Fatal More Than One Pack Level Found under a Tare Level You have specified more than one Pack level as a child of the same Tare level, in the ASN hierarchy. This violates Kroger's requirement that exactly one U.P.C./EAN Case Code is to be associated with each unique license plate. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent for the additional Pack level 012
0408F 856 Fatal Item Level's parent is not Pack Level The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'I' (for Item), but either: A) HL02 was not specified; B) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number not present in a previous HL segment; or C) HL02 refers to a Hierarchical ID Number in a previous HL segment whose HL03 was not 'P' (for Pack). Kroger requires each Item level within the ASN hierarchy to be a child of a Pack level. This parent-child relationship is indicated through the HL02 data element of the Item level HL segment, which is to equal the HL01 data element of the Pack level HL segment. Although Kroger does not use any information from the Item level of the ASN at this time, it does expect the Item level to be a child of the Pack level. TED07: will contain the HL02 value sent 012
0409F 856 Fatal Parent Level has no Expected Child Levels The Level Code in data element HL03 was 'S' (for Shipment), 'O' ( for Order) or 'T' (for Tare), but no child levels were found subordinate to it. Under the assumption that the ASN hierarchy is presented by consecutive HL segments in a top-down/left-right ordered structure, this was detected as two consecutive HL segments with the same HL03 value. In this case, the first HL segment had no hierarchical children, which is invalid for the Shipment, Order and Tare levels. TED07: will contain the HL01 value in the first of the two consecutive HL segments 007
0410F 856 Fatal Violation of Top-Down/Left-Right Ordered Structure For an HL segment with HL03 = 'O' (Order), 'T' (Tare), 'P' (Pack), or 'I' (Item), the Hierarchical Parent ID in data element HL02 identified as a parent an HL segment that was not the most recently encountered instance of an HL segment with that parent's level (HL03). This violates the presumption that the HL segments define the ASN hierarchy as a top-down/left-right ordered structure, which is a UCS convention. TED07: will contain the HL01 value of the violating HL segment 012
0411W 856 Warning Lading Quantity is not the Total of Pack Quantities A lading quantity was sent in the TD102 data element, at the Shipment level in the ASN, but it does not equal the sum of the SN102 quantities specified at the Pack levels of this ASN. This is in the TD1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN hierarchy. Kroger will use the sum of the SN102 quantities from the Pack levels. TED07: will contain the invalid TD102 value sent TED08: will contain the computed sum of SN102 quantities from the Pack levels 010
0412F 856 Fatal Trailer Number is Missing You have failed to specify a Trailer Number in the TD303 data element of a TD3 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Trailer Number. It is to be specified by sending a TD3 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with the Trailer Number in the TD303 data element. 007
0413F 856 Fatal Bill of Lading Number is Missing You have failed to specify a Bill of Lading Number in the REF02 data element of an REF segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Bill of Lading Number. It is to be specified by sending an REF segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with REF01 = 'BM', and with the Bill of Lading Number in the REF02 data element. 007
0414F 856 Fatal Date Shipped is Missing You have failed to specify a Date Shipped in the DTM02 data element of a DTM segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Date Shipped. It is to be specified by sending a DTM segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with DTM01 = '012', and with the Date Shipped in the DTM02 data element. 007
0415F 856 Fatal Ship-From Duns + 4 is Missing You have failed to specify a Ship-From location as a DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element of an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN. Kroger requires a Ship-From location sent as a DUNS + 4. The Ship-From DUNS + 4 codes, for all locations from which you are shipping, should have first been given to the ASN EDI Coordinator at the Kroger warehouse to which you are attempting to send an ASN. It is to be specified by sending an N1 segment at the Shipment level of the ASN, with N101 = 'SF', N103 = '9', and with the Ship-From DUNS + 4 in the N104 data element. 007
0416F 856 Fatal Invalid Interchange Receiver ID for Ship-To-Duns + 4 The Interchange Receiver ID you specified as the ISA08 is invalid for the Ship-To location you have specified as a DUNS + 4. See the sections, Kroger Ship-To Locations and Peyton Ship-To Locations, in this manual for the appropriate DUNS + 4 to use, then see section, EDI Communication Information, on how to specify the corresponding Interchange Receiver ID for that Ship-To Location. TED07: will contain the invalid ISA08 value sent 012
0417F 856 Fatal Missing GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code You have failed to specify a GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) in the MAN02 data element of an MAN segment at the Tare level of the ASN. Kroger requires that every Tare level of the ASN include an MAN segment, with MAN01 = 'GM', and MAN02 containing the SSCC-18. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the Tare level without an SSCC-18. 007
0418F 856 Fatal Multiple GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Codes You have specified more than one GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) within the same Tare level of the ASN. Kroger requires that every Tare level of the ASN include a single MAN segment, with MAN01 = 'GM', and MAN02 containing an SSCC-18. TED07: will contain the additional MAN02 value sent 012
0419F 856 Fatal Duplicate GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code You have specified a GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) at a Tare level of the ASN, which has already been specified previously in the ASN. Kroger requires that every Tare level of the ASN include an MAN segment, with MAN01= 'GM', and MAN02 containing an SSCC-18 which is unique within the ASN TED07: will contain the non-unique MAN02 value sent 006
0420F 856 Fatal Invalid GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code You have specified a GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) at a Tare level of the ASN, which is not a 20 digit number. The SSCC-18 is to be transmitted to Kroger as a full 20 digit number, including the "00" SSCC-18 Application Identifier and the Modulus 10 Check Character. TED07: will contain the invalid MAN02 value sent 024
0421W 856 Warning GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code Errors You have specified a GS1/EAN-128 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) at a Tare level of the ASN, but it contains some internal errors. Either it does not begin with the "00" SSCC-18 Application Identifier, or the Modulus 10 Check Character is incorrect. Please refer to an appropriate publication, for the format and data content of the SSCC-18 (which should include the algorithm to use to calculate the Modulus 10 Check Character). One example is the Application Standard for Shipping Container Codes (October 1995), pages 12 and 62, published by the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (phone (937) 435-3870). Kroger will attempt to use the 20 digit number you have sent as an SSCC-18, under the assumption that this matches the bar code on labels applied to pallets. TED07: will contain the MAN02 value sent 024
0422W 856 Warning Pallet Tiers and Blocks are Missing You have failed to specify a Pallet Tiers in the PAL02 data element, or a Pallet Blocks in the PAL03 data element, of a PAL segment at a Tare level of the ASN. Kroger requires this "TI-HI" information for each Tare level. It is to be specified by sending a PAL segment at each Tare level of the ASN, with the Tiers and Blocks in the PAL02 and PAL03 data elements, respectively. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the Tare level without Pallet TI-HI 007
0423F 856 Fatal Number of Units Shipped is Missing You have failed to specify a Number of Units Shipped in the SN102 data element of an SN1 segment at the Pack level of the ASN. Kroger requires that every Pack level of the ASN include an SN1 segment, with SN102 containing the number of cases shipped of the U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5) specified in the LIN segment at this same Pack level. TED07: will contain the HL01 value sent, to identify the Pack level without a Number of Units Shipped. 007
0424W 856 Warning Wrong Pack Level Unit of Measure You have specified a Number of Units Shipped in the SN102 data element of an SN1 segment at the Pack level of the ASN, but the unit of measure in the SN103 segment is not 'CA' (for cases). Kroger requires a U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5) to be sent in the LIN segment, and thus we interpret the SN102 as the number of cases of that U.P.C./EAN Case Code. Kroger's mapping for the SN1 segment specifies 'CA' for the SN103 data element. Consequently, we will ignore the unit of measure you have sent in the SN103, and presume 'CA' for cases. TED07: will contain the SN103 value sent 012
0425W 856 Warning UPC Shipping Container Code Errors You have specified a U.P.C. Shipping Container Code (SCC-14) at the Pack level of an ASN, but it contains some internal errors. Either it is not 14 digits long, its Modulus 10 Check Character is incorrect, or it disagrees with the U.P.C./EAN Case Code (which should equal the middle twelve digits of the SCC-14). Please refer to an appropriate publication, for the format and data content of the SCC-14 (which should include the algorithm to use to calculate the Modulus 10 Check Character). One example is the Application Standard for Shipping Container Codes (October 1995), pages 11 and 62, published by the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (phone (937) 435-3870). Kroger does not require the SCC-14 to be sent through the ASN at this time. However, you should investigate and correct these discrepancies. TED07: will contain the MAN02 value sent 024
0499W 856 Warning This is a warning unidentified at time of publication. The Brief Description should provide an adequate explanation of the condition encountered. TED01 and TED02 may be sent.
0499F 856 Fatal This is a fatal error unidentified at time of publication. The Brief Description should provide an adequate explanation of the condition encountered. TED01 and TED02 may be sent.
0600F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - whse is invalid
0601F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - prod ID is not numeric
0602F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - cost change during deal - Rej
0603F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected- cost change greater than max percent
0604F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected- cost change equal current cost
0605F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - vendor pack mismatch
0606F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - missing bracket cost
0607F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - bracket ranges do not match
0608F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - no effective date
0609F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected- duplicate bracket sent
0610F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - item not found in whse prod id file
0611F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - vendor number not set up at whse
0612F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - invalid date code
0613F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - vndr pk not numeric
0614F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - order date not numeric
0615F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - order date not supplied
0616F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected- ship date not numeric
0617F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - ship date is zero
0618F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - stop date not numeric
0619F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - stop date less than start
0620F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected- bracket XX not numeric
0621F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - bracket XX not greater than last
0622F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - cost XX is zero
0623F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - cost XX not less than last
0624F 879 Fatal Cost Change Rejected - vndr not flagged for cost changes
1100W 997 Warning Functional acknowledgment not received Functional Acknowledgements (transaction 997) must be sent at least within 24 HRS of the document receipt. 024
1101F 997 Fatal Functional acknowledgment received but does not meet EDI standards. Re-send. Functional Acknowledgement received but does not meet EDI Standards. Verify FA and re-send as per Standards 024
0900F 894 Fatal Invalid Division in G8204 Division used in G8204 element is invalid. Refer 894 specs in Map section for valid Divisions. 012
0901F 894 Fatal Invalid Store in G8204 Store used in G8204 element is invalid. A valid numeric Store number is expected. 012
0902F 894 Fatal Missing/Invalid Division or Store or Both in G8204 Missing Division or Store number or both in G8204 element. Expected six digit format in the field is ‘DDDSSS’ (DDD = Div and SSS=Store) 007
3304W 810/880 Warning Invalid Remit-To N104 012
3305W 810/880 Warning Missing Remit-To Name and Address 012
3316W 810/880 Warning Missing Invoice Level Terms Segments 012
3352W 810/880 Warning Invalid Allow/Charge Segment 012
3353F 810/880 Fatal Invoice Items with a Zero Item Quantity are ignored 012
3354F 810/880 Fatal Invoice Items with a Zero Unit Price are ignored 012

NOTE: All 824 error codes beginning with an 'E' indicates an EDI translation error, usually referring to a syntax error. Please refer to the EDI mapping manual for further information, if available. Examples are: