Examples of 824 Application Advice
All examples use asterisk (*) for data element separator, tilde (~) for segment terminator.
Example 1ISA*00* *00* *08*9254110060 *11*AC1381273 *981015*080 6*U*00307*000040902*0*P*>~ GS*AG*5137624691*AC1381273*981015*0806*40902*X*004010~ ST*824*40902001~ BGN*00*81038*981015~ N1*FR*KROGER~ PER*IC*EDI WEB SITE - HTTP://EDI.KROGER.COM~ OTI*TR*TN*149*****250220142*250220142*810~ TED*012*0050F - INVALID DUNS SUFFIX. REFER IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE~ SE*7*40902001~ GE*1*40902~ IEA*1*000040902~
The OTI03 is the document #
The OTI10 is the transaction set id
The TED03 - indicates the problem with the transaction indicated in the OTI segment
In this example an 810 Invoice #149 was submitted with an invalid duns + suffix number.
Duns + suffix numbers are listed under the Invoice Section on this web site for both bill to and ship to locations.
Example 2ISA*00* *00* *08*9254110060 *ZZ*LMSWFH *981015*080 6*U*00303*000040927*0*P*>~ GS*AG*5137624388*LMSWFH*981015*0806*40927*X*003060~ ST*824*40927001~ BGN*00*81063*981015~ N1*FR*KROGER~ PER*IC*EDI WEB SITE - HTTP://EDI.KROGER.COM~ OTI*TE*TN*20026*****39225*039225001*850~ TED*024*1100W - 999/997 Functional Acknowledgment not received~ SE*7*40927001~ GE*1*40927~ IEA*1*000040927~
The OTI03 is the document #
The OTI10 is the transaction set id
The TED03 - indicates the problem with the transaction indicated in the OTI segment
In this example a functional acknowledgment was not received for an 850 purchase order #20026 within 24 hours. Please contact the appropriate Kroger Division to verify receipt of this order.
A list of purchase order contacts is provided under the purchase order section of this web site.